
Preparing for Tidy Towns competition 2024

Just a few photos of areas being prepared for Tidy Towns competition judging by some of our CE workers and the Tidy Towns Volunteers around town.  Don’t forget you can volunteer to help the Tidy towns group with their weekly clean up on Wednesday evenings, they would be grateful for the help.

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New Equipment at Clara Town Soccer Club

Great to see Clara town Soccer Club investing in new equipment for our CE worker Joe Malone who can be found at the club every week ensuring the pitches are match ready.  The new line marker will make his job a bit easier. If you are interested in working with any of the local sports…

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New Employment for CE Participant

We recently said goodbye to one of our CE participants Conor Parkinson.  Conor joined the CE Scheme as an administrative assistant for the Clara Heritage Society in March 2022 and worked with the group to organise events and source funding streams.  After meeting with local company Irish Waterjet Profiles https://iwpl.net/ some potential vacancies were identified…

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